Pi poetry

Get the following sentence (poetry) by heart.

"Hey , I want a fully memorable pi poetry which has newly arranged sentences whereas mnemonics for pi, the standard well trusts in verses that are not implying the pi, however available words."

Now you remembered 31 digits of pi below the decimal point, since the length of each word is the digit. Count the number of characters for each word in the above sentence as follows.

3   . 1  4   1   5       9     2    6      5    3
Hey , I want a fully memorable pi poetry which has
  5       8        9        7        9      3   2
newly arranged sentences whereas mnemonics for pi,
 3      8      4     6    2   6      4   3   3    8
the standard well trusts in verses that are not implying
 3   2    7        9       5
the pi, however available words.

But recently, I found crazily long poem of pi. I would never beat out the record.